"alpannonia" - feeder: Rettenegg - Stuhleck - via the Planet Trail

Pešia túra od Start pavilion bypass village Rettenegg do Alois-Günther House on the Stuhleck

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Výškový profil

7,60 km dĺžka

Údaje o túre
  • Náročnosť: stredné
  • Trasa: 7,60 km
  • Stúpanie: 918 Hm
  • Zostup:
  • Trvanie: 3:00 h
  • Najnižší bod: 855 m
  • Najvyšší bod: 1.782 m
  • Stage tour
  • Nice views
  • With refreshment stops
  • Geological highlights
  • Summit tour

Detaily pre: "alpannonia" - feeder: Rettenegg - Stuhleck - via the Planet Trail

Krátky opis

From the UNESCO World Heritage Site Semmering or from the high altitude health resort Fischbach to the edge of the Pannonian plain near Köszeg, a path full of variety and attractions of nature leads: alpannonia®.

Of course, you can also start the alpannonia trail at various feeder communities, for example in Rettenegg. From there, the "Planet Trail" leads up to the Stuhleck, from where you can join the main trail. During the hike, the size of the universe is made tangible to the visitor. For example, the light from the sun to Saturn takes about the same amount of time as a hiker covering this distance on the Planet Trail.


alpannonia and the "Planet Trail" - two unique projects come together here.  First, you hike along the Planet Trail, which presents the celestial bodies of the solar system in size and distance to each other on a scale of billions on the 6 km long stretch between Rettnegg and the Stuhleck in models. Once you have arrived at Stuhleck, you can spend a night in the Alois Günther House and the next morning you start the alpannonia trail to Köszeg refreshed.

Počiatočný bod túry

Start pavilion bypass village Rettenegg

Cieľový bod túry

Alois-Günther House on the Stuhleck

Opis trasy "alpannonia" - feeder: Rettenegg - Stuhleck - via the Planet Trail

  • We start at the star pavilion in Rettenegg and hike along path no. 743On the way are different stations to the planets
  • After 1 h we have reached the Schwarzriegel
  • Now it is only a few minutes to Stuhleck

Weitere Informationen zur Anreise: Gemeinde, Rettenegg


Parkplätze in der Gemeinde Rettenegg

Alle Informationen hierzu finden Sie unter www.oebb.at oder unter Verbundlinie Steiermark www.busbahnbim.at

Mobilität Oststeiermark mit Sammeltaxi SAM



Ďalšie informácie / odkazy

Tourism Association East Styria

Office Joglland - Waldheimat

8255 St. Jakob im Walde

church quarter 24

Tel.: +43 3336 20255






Small backpack with water bottle (+ provisions)

Sturdy shoes

Appropriate clothing - if possible several layers - "onion principle".

Rain and sun protectionWalking sticks as required

Mobile phone

Small first aid kit

Route description

Before starting the hike, check the possibilities for refreshments, including opening times, or pack appropriate food and drink.

Bezpečnostné opatrenia

European emergency call: 112

Emergency call mountain rescue: 140 (if possible please provide GPS data)

Rescue: 144

Fire brigade: 122

Police: 133

A few tips on correct and fair behaviour in the forest: (Source: www.bundesforste.at )

Hikers should avoid visits to the forest about 1.5 hours before sunrise and after sunset, as wild animals are particularly active during this time.

Plastic bottles, handkerchiefs, cigarette butts etc. have no place in the forest! Please make sure that you do not leave any rubbish in the forest.

Camping and lighting fires are strictly forbidden in the forest!

In principle, every person is allowed to pick 2 kg of mushrooms and berries per day for personal use. It is only prohibited if the forest owner expressly forbids it.

Mapa doporučená

Wander- Ski- und Radtourenkarte Joglland-Waldheimat Maßstab: 1:50.000 erhältlich beim Tourismusverband Joglland Waldheimat Kompass Wanderführer Joglland Maßstab: 1:50.000 erhältlich beim Tourismusverband Joglland Waldheimat alpannonia Wanderkarte Maßstab: 1:150.000 erhältlich beim Tourismusverband Joglland Waldheimat

Viac zájazdov okolo východiskového bodu