Wehrkirchendokumentation Edlitz


The common past of the Bucklige Welt revisited

The Bucklige Welt as a closed fortified church landscape is almost unique in Europe. Such a large network of well-preserved fortified churches can only be found in very few other landscapes - such as Transylvania, Carniola or France - and these churches today tell the exciting story of the region. Actually only preserved because the region was too poor to have the churches modernized after the end of the sieges, the churches today offer a great cultural treasure of which their own inhabitants are often no longer even aware.

Life-saving refuge

Stalwart castles were usually considered the first choice when seeking shelter, however, castles were rather sparsely settled. Churches, on the other hand, existed in every locality and also offered thick (and especially unburnable) stone walls as a defense and plenty of space. A generous amount of space was important, because not only people sought refuge from the attacks, but also the cattle as well as grain and supplies were hidden here. On the one hand, this of course served for their own supply, but on the other hand, it also served to starve out the enemies. In the fortified church of Lichtenegg they even built their own baking oven.

Fortified elements

What is still visible today as remains on the church walls was vital at that time. Embrasures, where arrows, bows and throwing stones were shot, and cast-iron bay windows, where pitch and hot water were poured on enemies, ensured the survival of the parishioners. Today, the weir barns built at that time are often home to a large number of bats.

The Weir Church Documentation shows, in a recently modernized way, the extremely important role that the churches had for the people and where mysterious weir corridors and the most exciting weir elements can still be discovered live today.

Public journey

Coming from Vienna or Graz to the main station Wr. Neustadt. From there take the Aspangbahn to the station Edlitz-Grimmenstein, continue with the regional bus to the station Edlitz/Ortsmitte. The fortified church documentation is about 100 m away.

Location and how to get there