Quality Partners in Lower Austria

You can count on us!

Over 80 accommodation providers, restaurants and excursion destinations in the Vienna Alps meet the criteria of the “Qualitätspartner in Niederösterreich” (Quality Partners in Lower Austria) quality mark.

Accommodation where you will feel right at home straight away. Restaurateurs who ask attentively if everything is OK and excursion destinations which fit your requirements like a glove. Certification as a Quality Partner signifies authentic service, personal contact and exceptional holiday quality.

Quality guaranteed

Before they can be awarded a quality mark, services must undergo a demanding certification programme with regular tests. Wirtshauskultur (Inn Culture), Geniesserzimmer (Premium bon-vivant rooms) or Top-Ausflugsziel (Top Excursion Destination) are just some of the coveted certifications in Lower Austria. Some services have used the State Exhibition as a chance to rise to the challenge to meet the requirements. As a visitor, you can benefit from reliable quality and the focus is on your requirements, because Quality Partners keep their promises.

Quality Partners have at least one of these certifications:
Geniesserzimmer (Premium bon-vivant rooms), Wirtshauskultur (Inn Culture), TOP-Ausflugsziele (Top Excursion Destination), Haubenbetriebe (Haute Cuisine), Bett&Bike (Bed & Bike), Privatzimmer (Private Rooms) and Urlaub am Bauernhof (Farm Holidays) with 4 or 5 flowers or suns, ausgezeichnete Hütte (Certified cottage), etc.